Affiliation Number: 1930830 | ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Activity clubs have been made mandatory to help students gain practical life experiences. Clubs provide an opportunity to shape the personality of the student helping them form good habits, etiquette and soft skills.

  • avid club

    Fashion designing, Arts, Crafts & housekeeping

    This club provides a forum in which children can learn life skills and shed their fear of failure. Through dramatics they take on life roles that they fear most and learn to overcome them. They learn about themselves, their families and society around them.

  • orange banana club

    Healthy food choices

    The club is focused on healthy lifestyle by making sensible choices about food, teaching students cooking skills, exploring ingredients, examining recipes, learning to use appliances and equipment safely and observing live cooking demonstrations. They are all given opportunities to prepare tasty, healthy meals which theys can take home to share with their families.

  • mithra club

    Gardening that connects children with nature

    It also offers hands on experiential learning opportunities in a wide array of disciplines including natural & social science, math and language arts. Some of the activities are as follows

    • Tree plantation drives.
    • Campaigns and rallies like 'Say no to Poly Bags', 'Say no to crackers', 'Save Water', 'Save Energy' and 'Green and Clean City'
    • Projects for eco-friendly surroundings like rain water harvesting, maintenance of compost pits and green house in the school premises.
    • Participation of students in various intra and inter school events.
    • Participation in community activities related to ecology.
  • limelight club

    Lights, camera, action!

    Students learn about theatres, short film making, audio, video editing and photo editing

  • vriksha tinkering club

    Innovate with latest tools and equipment

    Students are given a chance to work with latest tools and equipment to understand the concept of technology and engineering. The tinkering lab provides a workspace where young minds can give shape to their ideas through hands on do-it-yourself mode, and learn innovation skills.

  • unite for change

    An initiative to teach our students to explore various fields ranging from Art & craft to life skills and develop their horizons

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I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!

This is a standard alert.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!